Saving Green Space Leaves Runnymede
PS 5 classes short for September 2014.
Last Wednesday, the TDSB Trustees rejected a plan to
generate $45million over three years to pay for necessary capital projects.
This Five Year Capital Plan would sell 6 closed schools and severed land from
up to 30 schools with large sites (> 12 acres). The failure of the Capital
Building Program has a direct impact on Runnymede P.S.
Currently, our school enrolment of 1,130 students in a building with a capacity of 866 students places us at 130% capacity and our enrollment grows year-by year. In September 2014 the school is required to implement Full-Day Kindergarten needing 5 additional classrooms which we don’t have!
Boundary changes have been made to divert students to nearby
schools. There is insufficient space on the Runnymede P.S. site to accommodate
any more portables or an addition. The soil structure prevents any vertical
additions. The only possible relief for the overcrowding at Runnymede
is to build an addition at Keele St. P.S. (currently JK-6), so that they could
retain the Gr. 7 & 8’s in their catchment area who currently come to
Runnymede P.S. But, Keele St. ’s
addition was on the revised Capital Plan, which was voted out of existence. The
project is now on indefinite hold until a new, funded Capital Plan is developed
by the TDSB and approved by the Ministry of Education. In the meantime – 5
classes of Runnymede PS students will be without classrooms in September 2014.
If you are interested in participating in a discussion about
the over-capacity at the school, and the imminent inability to accommodate all
the children in the catchment area, please come to the School Council meeting
on Thursday Nov. 29 2012 at 7pm in the Runnymede PS school library.
Please lend your voice and efforts to help us avert this